3 Office Bathroom Ideas to Inspire Your Renovation

July 27, 2022

office bathroom ideas

Now that people are returning to the workplace after two years of forced isolation, it’s important that their surroundings are safe and comfortable. To this end, many employers are modifying their spaces, wanting not just to comply with suggested safety precautions but hoping to attract even reluctant workers back to a physical business site that has fresh and modern design elements. Perhaps you’re thinking of a renovation yourself. If so, a good place to start is with an office bathroom. Everybody needs a restroom, and a nice one indicates management values cleanliness and their employees’ overall well-being. Here are a few office bathroom ideas to inspire your renovation and ensure your building is ready to welcome everyone back:

Focus on Wellness

Wellness is front and center these days. Covid concerns and enhanced awareness of mental health issues are pushing more and more people to assess their physical, as well as their mental, fitness. Thus, one creative office bathroom idea is to address these concerns head-on by creating an office bathroom that serves as a refuge for both your employees and your guests. Ditch traditional, “commercial” design elements meant to accommodate the masses — like long counters, builder-grade mirrors and partially-partitioned stalls — and instead consider soft, intimate touches that foster peacefulness and bring to mind a spa-like experience. Add texture and use pale, neutral colors; light; and biophilic features to create a sense of spaciousness. You might also add in seating options and a nearby private space for nursing mothers or those who simply wish to escape for a moment or two. Of course, whatever you choose, ensure that your fixtures are easy to clean and durable so that the bathroom itself is always sanitary.

Get Technical

Another good office bathroom idea involves using technology to maximize not only your company’s budget but the health of all your bathroom’s users. Touchless products can be installed that reduce the likelihood of germ-exposure, while self-regulating fixtures can be added that better control the use of water and energy, saving you hundreds of dollars on utility bills.

Go Above and Beyond

You might not believe a bathroom matters, but many people look to the restroom as a reflection of a company’s attention to detail, awareness and care. Think about it; if someone walks into a restroom and sees cracked tiles, dim light and dirty floors, it’s likely he or she won’t have a lot of confidence in the company’s values or its offerings. Applying innovative yet functional office bathroom ideas in such a private space, however, speaks to a company’s diligence and their perceived responsibility for the people who come in and out of their building (for whatever reason). Remodel your office bathroom so that people are impressed by it, and it’s more probable they’ll be willing to be wowed by you in other ways!

The Key Interiors Advantage

There are endless office bathroom ideas that can be used in a renovation. To learn more about the specific office bathroom ideas that could positively impact the people your own company serves, please contact our design team at Key Interiors. Our professional design experience means we can help you review, choose and implement the design elements best suited to your own goals and objectives.

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Key Interiors