3 Tips to Make the Most of Your Studio Office Design Strategy

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High angle view of an artist drawing something on graphic tablet at the office-812221-edited-844117-edited.jpegOn today’s business landscape, long-term success — and in many cases, short-term survival — isn’t just driven by sufficient cash flow and profitable customers. There’s another “C” in the mix that can be more valuable, and also rarer, than both: creatives! 

Now, before you start imagining folks wearing frocks and mixing paint on a palette: today’s creatives are the skilled professionals who work across all fields and industries, and who are tasked with coming up with everything from a standing ovation-worthy speech for the CEO at the next employee retreat, to a killer marketing campaign that drives brand visibility and attracts new customers, to a training program that boosts employee engagement and productivity — and the list goes on.

Naturally, to get the most value out of their creatives, businesses need to give them the right workspace — which often means a studio office. If you are headed in this direction, or if your creatives are clamoring for more functional space to work their magic, then here are three tips to make the most of your studio office design strategy:

1. Think Multi-Purpose

Creatives often need to switch between heads-down mode where focus and concentration are vital, to brainstorming mode where collaborating with colleagues is required. With this in mind, use modular, lightweight and multi-functional furniture that can be re-purposed based on changing day-to-day (or sometimes hour-to-hour!) needs.

2. Concentration is Key 

As noted above, creatives — even the extroverted, social butterfly kind — need to focus on their tasks; especially since they are almost always working on a deadline. If it is within the budget, use glass wall enclosures so that creatives can close their door and put up the do-not-disturb sign. If this is not feasible, then there are several affordable ways to dampen/block noise, and enable privacy — even in open office environments.

3. Clutter is the Enemy

Some creatives are very neat and tidy — while others are proverbial pack rats, and hold onto everything and anything; including stuff they’ve long since forgotten about! Because studio offices are small, it’s essential to avoid clutter. To that end, put shelving on the walls (if possible), minimize drawer space, and enforce policies that direct creatives — and all other employees — to keep their workspace clutter-free.

The Bottom Line

To learn more about developing the optimal studio office design strategy for your organization and roster of talented creatives — including those you aim to hire in the future — contact the Key Interiors team today. Your consultation with us is free.      

For more information about how to renovate your office while staying on schedule and on budget, download our FREE eBook:


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